
Tax Planning

Our bespoke approach to tax planning includes creating a multi-pronged tax plan, focusing on (1) tax base reduction; (2) tax rate reduction; (3) entity optimization; and (4) exit planning. Typically, we're able to reduce your effective tax rate by at least 5%, resulting in significant tax savings.

CFO Services

Our analytical CFO services aim to bring high-level, Fortune 500 CFO analysis to the small business and startup space. We analyze past results leveraging tools such as industry benchmarking, and we plan for the future with strategies including detailed forecasting.

Tax Compliance

Our cloud-based tax return process is geared to not only keep you compliant, but also to analyze your data in order to plan for the future. Further, we stand behind our tax returns with complete audit support included at no extra cost.


Our transparent, accrual-based bookkeeping keeps your books clean and tidy. By leveraging our deep experience and the latest technology, we not only prepare core financial statements, but also provide analytic insights and visualizations beyond the books.