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Scale CPA

Why Starting Your Accounting Career at a Big Four Firm is Worth It

A lot of accountants dunk on the Big Four, and often for valid reasons. Long hours, tedious timesheets, and stifling bureaucracy are common complaints. However, having spent the first six years of my career at a Big Four firm (KPMG), I wouldn’t change a thing about it. Here’s why starting your career at a Big Four firm can be a valuable experience for any young accounting professional. Building Professionalism and Expertise Despite the challenges, working at a Big Four firm is where I truly learned how to be a professional. The environment demands a high level of professionalism from day one, pushing you to develop skills that are essential in any career. Moreover, the technical expertise gained during my tenure was invaluable. The rigorous training and exposure to complex accounting issues provided a strong foundation that has benefited me throughout

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Recent Scale CPA Articles

Berkshire Hathaway’s Tax Liability: Stability in Simplicity

The Spotlight on Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway, led by the legendary Warren Buffett, is often celebrated for its exceptional returns and steady growth. While much attention is given to its financial performance and investment strategies, one aspect that rarely gets the spotlight is its tax liability. Delving into Berkshire’s tax provision (ASC 740) footnote reveals intriguing details. Understanding Berkshire’s Effective Tax Rate The US statutory corporate income tax rate stands

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Understanding the Components of Tax Expense on the P&L

The True Nature of Tax Expense When you look at a company’s profit and loss (P&L) statement, the tax expense shown isn’t just the tax the company expects to pay on its current year’s tax returns. Instead, this tax expense, often referred to as the “tax provision,” is a combination of two key components: current tax and deferred tax. Breaking Down the Tax Provision The tax provision consists of: Current

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Understanding Amazon’s $5.2 Billion in Uncertain Tax Positions

The Certainties of Amazon Amazon is known for its speed of delivery, low prices, and vast selection of products. However, there is one area where uncertainty prevails: their tax positions. As of the end of 2023, Amazon reported $5.2 billion worth of uncertain tax positions. What Are Uncertain Tax Positions? Under ASC 740, companies must evaluate each of their tax positions to determine the likelihood of these positions being upheld

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